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7 Things to Remember for Attending a Wedding in 2021


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It’s excitingthat we’re finally able to attend weddings again properly after a long hiatus,and there are sure to be many engaged couples who’ve had to wait a long timefor their moment! Having been such a long time since many of us were able to goto a wedding, here are our top tips for making sure you have a great day. 

Take a Test Before Attending 

While COVIDrestrictions may have been lifted in the UK, COVID is, unfortunately, stillvery much around, which means you’ll still need to take certain precautions toprotect yourself and those around you. Make sure you buy Healgen antigen test kit before the wedding, and test yourself on the day,to make sure you are not going to spread the virus at the event. Your hosts mayeven insist on their guests only being allowed to attend if they buy Healgenantigen test kit, so make sure to check with them before attending. 

Check the Dress Code 

Having had towait for so long, many couples will be desperate to make sure that their bigday goes absolutely perfectly. Make sure that you check beforehand whether thecouples have any requests for how people should dress before the event. Justtry not to upstage the happy couple with your look! 

Look for a Wishlist for Gifts 

When buying agift someone, it’s a horrible feeling to suspect that it may not be somethingthey wanted or needed. In modern times, many couples will have set up an Amazonwish-list with potential gift ideas on it. Try to consult this list, and speakwith other guests, to make sure you buy them a gift that they both want and have not already received from someone else. 

Let the Couple Know About any Dietary Requirements 

The couple willbe wanting to plan their perfect menu, not only for themselves but also fortheir guests. If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions, make sure youtell them about this as early as possible, as this will allow them to tailorthe menu to suit your needs accordingly. Don’t get caught out on the day and find you can’t eat anything! 

Familiarise Yourself with People on your Table 

Many coupleswill release the seating arrangements for their wedding meal prior to theevent, meaning you can get some idea of who you’ll be sitting with. Try to findout their relations to the couple, as this will make it easier to holdconversations with them.  

When you do getto sit with them, try to engage them on their interests and hobbies, as thiswill make holding a conversation much easier. 

Take Plenty of Photos! 

Photos are afantastic way to remember a wedding, and whilst there will likely be a professionalphotographer on site, it’s still nice to take personal photos to commemoratethe day. Get lots of photos of the couple, other guests, and remember to getinto some photos yourself! If you have a camera, make sure to bring it as well as your phone to get as many pictures as possible. Make sure to share these photos in group chats with the other guests so they can have them as well. 

Have Fun! 

It’s really beenfar too long since we’ve been able to gather for large weddings, so make ityour priority to make sure you, your friends, and your family have the best daypossible. It won’t be long before you get back into the swing of things onceyou’re at the venue. Eat, drink, and be merry!